Lycée à l'étranger pour les 14-18 ans

I am truly grateful

Theo from Sweden is on exchange in Illinois, USA. We asked him a few questions.

What is your favorite memory so far?

Being part of the “Best Buddies” organization is one of my favorite memories so far. The organization helps people with special needs during their education. I see some of these students every day in my Adaptive PE class, me, and the other leaders help the buddies with their PE. We help them improve their mobility, strength, and endurance, and of course, they also try different sports and games. This class and the people in it will be with me for the rest of my life, I have learned so many new things from them and more importantly, I have gotten a bunch of new friends. If I had to summarize Adaptive PE and Best Buddies in one sentence, it would be, “The only disability is the disability to not see ability.”

Are you participating in any sports?

Yes, I was part of the ice hockey team during the fall semester. It was so much fun and exciting with the new teammates, coaches, friends, and a new style of hockey. High school sports are just something you must experience yourself to understand; student sections, rivalries, hard work, and lots of fun. Now when the fall season wrapped up, I can only look back at the season and say that high school sports are truly something else, something that everyone should get a chance to experience, both as a player and as a spectator.

How do you feel about your exchange coming to an end?

The last seven months have given me a lot of things. I am truly grateful for everything I have experienced and everyone I have gotten to know. Now, with only three months left of my exchange, I will try to experience as many fun things as possible and enjoy all the little things.