News from STS


Leggi le ultime novità di STS Education. Potrai trovare spunti di ispirazione fantastici su vacanze studio e programmi Exchange High School, oltre a numerosi suggerimenti e consigli utili prima della partenza.

  • STS scholarship is back


    We want to give young people the opportunity to reach their full potential through international education and cultural exchange. That's why the ST...
  • Host family for life


    24 years ago, I was on exchange with STS in Cape Town/South Africa. Today, as a local coordinator, I support exchange students and host families in...
  • Personalizzate il vostro anno all'estero con High School Select


    Volete avere la libertà di modellare il vostro anno di scuola superiore come meglio preferite? Forse avete già un'idea chiara che volete realizzare...
  • Last chance to apply for high school exchange 2024


    Get the once-in-a-lifetime experience of a high school exchange! If you want to start your exchange in fall 2024, here are the application deadline...
  • Cultural Exchange Fosters a Lifelong Friendship for Generations


    In 1985, Melinda Krause left for a summer in Germany, not knowing the experience would lead to generations of cross-cultural connections. Nearly 40...
  • Pensare fuori dagli schemi


    Va bene, lo sappiamo! Quando si parla di "scambio scolastico", la maggior parte delle persone pensa immediatamente a un viaggio negli Stati Uniti....
  • Zahra dall'Austria ha vinto la nostra borsa di studio


    Siamo lieti di presentare Zahra Husseini dall'Austria, vincitrice della nostra borsa di studio STS Education per le scuole superiori 2024/25. Zahra...
  • From East Berlin to the Land of Milk and Hot Dogs


    Janina Winkler is from East Berlin – and she was the first GDR student to go on exchange to the US with STS. When Janina set off for Springfield,...
  • 5 motivi per cui dovreste partire per un anno di scambio


    Avete mai pensato di andare all'estero come studenti in scambio? Frequentare la scuola superiore in un altro Paese, vivere con una famiglia...
  • Why you should go on a high school exchange with STS


    Going on a high school exchange is a big decision, but it will be the best decision of your life. We will help you! Here are some reasons why you...
  • How to get along with your host family


    Going abroad and living with another family may feel strange at first, especially when everything is new. You are used to certain routines and rule...
  • Experience the adventure: Tips for a successful exchange year!


    Whether you go on an exchange for three months or a whole year, it will be an incredible experience that will change you forever. You will discover...
  • Pack smart and get ready for your adventure as an exchange student!


    Wow, soon it's time for you to start your great adventure as an exchange student! It's really something to look forward to, and we want to help you...
  • STS Founder turns 90


    Today, November 28, 2022, the founder of STS, Lars Magnusson, celebrates his 90th birthday. Giving young people the opportunity to learn has been...
  • STS Education Group opens in Poland


    During the fall of 2022, STS has expanded its presence in Europe by setting up business in Poland. This will give teenagers in Poland the opportuni...
  • Friends


    STS become a new contributors to Friends – a Swedish organization working against bullying We are so proud of being new contributors to Friends – a...
  • Save the children


    STS supports Save the Children Like millions of people around the world, we’re appalled by the ongoing crisis unfolding in Ukraine. We do not have...
  • Borse di studio 2021


    Le borse di studio STS per il 2021/22 sono concesse a questi sei giovani individui curiosi e creativi che condividono tutti la nostra passione per ...
  • STS e l'ambiente


    Come organizzazione dedicata all'istruzione internazionale e allo scambio culturale, la nostra missione è consentire ai giovani studenti di scoprir...