We have empowered young people since 1958!
About STS

This is STS Education

In 1958, we organized the world’s first language trip and a brand new way for young people to travel was born. Since then, over 1,200,000 students have experienced the wonders of our world by learning a new language and achieving the personal growth that comes with gaining cultural understanding. STS Education’s wide selection of services and educational programs helps kids discover the world on their own, with our support and stable guidance.

STS stands for Student Travel Schools and is a globally leading educational company offering high school exchange programs and language trips. We have offices in multiple countries all over the world and our global network of incredible schools, warm host families, fantastic international colleagues and professional partners grows daily. We regularly explore innovative new ways to make our students’ experiences even more memorable.

We strive to continuously develop our programs in order to stay relevant in a constantly changing world and to continue to give young people the chance to grow through education and cultural exchange. Our programs encourage students to broaden their global perspective and strengthen their understanding of new cultures.

Vision and mission

At STS Education, we empower young people to reach their full potential. We create spaces for the exchange of ideas and values, build relationships across borders, and contribute to personal, social, and cultural development.

STS vision:

To empower young people to reach their full potential through international education and cultural exchange while contributing to global understanding.

STS mission:

Through high-quality programs, personalized service, and extensive experience, STS Education aims to be the top choice for young people and their parents seeking international education and cultural exchange.

STS’s accreditation and association memberships

Our schools and programs have several accreditations from internationally recognized organizations. These accreditations serve as guarantees that our programs fulfill quality standards regarding management, resources, the environment, teaching, welfare, and care. STS is also a member of several travel and exchange associations, which means we are supported by a reliable network of industry partners.



The Alliance serves as a collective public policy voice for the international educational and cultural exchange community in the USA.



The Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET) is a non-profit organisation committed to ensuring the quality of inter­national educational travel and exchange for youth at the high school level. STS has been a member for many years.



STS is an inaugural member of the New Zealand Council for Intercultural Education, which aims to promote international peace, understanding and goodwill by helping people develop the skills necessary for living in a globally interdependent and culturally diverse world through experiencing life in another country and community. Membership to the NZCIE is dependant on being an approved EPO, a signatory to the New Zealand Ministry of Educations Code of Practice for the Pastrol Care of International Students and accepting NZCIE Principles of Good Practice for Intercultural Education.