Empowering young people since 1958

STS sustainability

In 2015, UN Member States adopted Agenda 2030, a joint plan for sustainable development with 17 global goals to be achieved by 2030. The goals include quality education, ending extreme poverty, reducing inequality and injustice in the world, promoting peace and justice, and solving the climate crisis.

At STS Education Group we start from Agenda 2030 for our sustainability work and focus on the goals related to quality education and fighting climate change.

Quality education

Quality education is the foundation of our vision and mission at STS. We want to strengthen young people through international cultural exchange and education. Through an understanding of other people and cultures, we build bridges all over the world. It is therefore natural for us to support the global goal of quality education. This is also a way for us to contribute to reducing poverty and increasing equality.

At STS, we have chosen to support Save the Children, a global organization with a presence almost all over the world. Save the Children works to improve life and the future for children, including through quality education. It makes no difference whether you are a girl, poor, have a disability, or live in the midst of war or in a remote village – everyone is entitled to school and safety. Save the Children trains teachers and fills bookbags with pencils and notebooks. They do what it takes here and now for a brighter future, because informed children become wise adults.

As a student, parent, or host parent, you can also help contribute to Save the Children and their important work. You get to choose how much you want to give, and all contributions are given in full to the organization’s work to improve life and the future for children. Contribute to Save the Children’s work here

Fight climate change

Finding pathways to more sustainable travel is one of our most important issues for the future. That’s why at STS, we encourage our students to choose train travel for language trips, or when taking part in a high school exchange program.

But when train travel isn’t an option, we want to help push development toward sustainable air travel. That is why STS has chosen to support the Fly Green Fund, a non-profit organization that works with renewable biofuel and to accelerate change in air travel. Airplanes currently account for 3.5 percent of human environmental impact. To reach our climate goals, the aviation industry – like all sectors – must quickly reduce its environmental impact. Using biofuel (made of waste from forestry, algae and food waste) reduces carbon dioxide emissions from planes by up to 80%.

As a student, parent, or host parent, you can also help contribute to the Fly Green Fund and their important work. You get to choose how much you want to give, and all contributions are given in full to the organization’s work to fly airplanes on biofuel. Read more about Fly Green Fund