STS High School 14–18 years of age
Friendly people and great fashion

High School in Denmark

Age 15-18

Take the chance to study in the lovely country Denmark! Despite the country's small size, there is a lot to discover here. Come with us to Denmark as an exchange student and experience the green landscapes, blue sea and beautiful old towns. Eat typical food such as smørrebrød and frikadeller, rent a bicycle in Copenhagen and treat yourself with some amazing Danish pastry at a cosy café!

High school Classic

High School Classic is the traditional high school exchange program, chosen by most of our students. It is the perfect program for those who long for a genuine high school experience abroad and who are willing to embrace all the surprises it can bring. Here’s how it works: based on your profile, we find you a suitable host family and school, and the best part is, it can be anywhere in Denmark, from the hilly centre of the Jutland Peninsula to the stunning islands in the Baltic Sea! If you’re open to adventure and are willing to let yourself be surprised by your exchange experience, this is the program for you.

Let's meet

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The world’s happiest people

Denmark has a high standard of living and has repeatedly been named as the “happiest country in the world”. The country has great standards of health, welfare and education. The proximity to Europe is noticed by the open and social mentality and you will quickly get into the lifestyle. Danish is a fun language to learn and it is also very useful in the rest of Scandinavia. The country is famous for its minimalistic design and you will soon fall in love with both the Danish fashion and the interior, and not to forget – the friendly Danish people.

Population: 5.6 million
Area: 43 000 km2
Capital: Copenhagen
Borders: Sweden, Germany
Language: Danish
National holiday: June 5

Attending high school in Denmark

At high school in Denmark, you are expected to be active and participate in class discussions. You will probably attend the second of the three years, and there are no school uniforms.

The school year at high school in Denmark

High school in Denmark is called "gymnasium" and the Danes spend three years there. When they have completed these years with the right grades, they are eligible for higher education and can apply to university or other higher education. Most exchange students are placed in the second year of "gymnasium".

The Danish high school year begins in August and ends in June of the following year. The schedule may vary, but you begin no earlier than 8 am and end no later than 4 pm. The Danish school year isn't divided into semesters, it runs on with breaks in the autumn and at Christmas, Easter and summer. The summer holidays last from the end of June until early August. Exchange students often spend the school breaks with their host families.

Choosing subjects and required courses

The subjects that students study vary depending on which focus they choose. Exchange students often study the compulsory subjects such as Danish, mathematics and English. You can also study additional languages, such as French, German, Spanish or Latin, and other subjects, such as biology, history, Danish literature, art and music. The number of subjects may vary from school to school, and the study counsellor or principal at your school will help you make the right choices.

Experience more at high school

Physical education and sports are very popular in Denmark. The main sport is football, as in so many other places, and that goes for both boys and girls. You will have a few physical education lessons on your schedule, but beyond that, schools seldom offer activities. However, there are many exciting leisure activities elsewhere. Your host family and your STS area representative are happy to help you find things that interest you.

Living with a host family

You will probably experience a lot of freedom in your Danish host family, but the freedom is linked to responsibility. And expect the occasional ironic comment if they think you do not behave as they expect you to.

Freedom with responsibility

Danish teenagers live a pretty free life, compared with other countries. They have been brought up to be independent and to critically question what is happening around them. When Danish teenagers have friends over, they often stay in their room and hang out there, but your family will want to meet them and be introduced.

Not so many rules

Usually, Danish families have fairly few rules, they expect you to be a responsible person who can take care of yourself. Your host family expects you to act like an adult and make sure you get enough sleep. On weekdays, teenagers are seldom out after 11 pm.

Helping out – of course

When it comes to delegating chores, your host family may say that they don't do that, but you will notice what is expected, and how other family members do things. You are expected to behave responsibly and to help when it is needed. You are naturally expected to keep your own room tidy, and help with the dishes, laundry, gardening and anything else that needs to be done, just like all the rest of the family.

Quick facts

  • Who can go: 15–18 years on arrival
  • Departure month: August and January
  • Language requirements: No previous knowledge required
  • Visa: Yes
  • Prep course: STS Welcome Camp, included in programme fee
  • School year: August– mid-May
  • School day: Usually 08.00 – 15.30
  • Subjects: Mandatory and elective courses
  • Trips during your exchange: Different trips will be offered throughout the year.  Additional cost

Spare time in Denmark

As an exchange student in Denmark, you will have plenty of fun in your free time. Play football or cheer for Denmark's red-white national team, bicycle and see more of Denmark.

"Vi er røde, vi er hvide"

The Danes love football. But of course there are many other recreational activities that you can engage in after school. Indoor sports such as handball and badminton are also popular because of the long winters. In most Danish towns there are many associations that arrange everything from sports to theatre and Danish language courses.

Water sports and cycling

Denmark's long coastline offers many opportunities for those who enjoy sailing and other water sports. The "Around Sealand" Regatta begins and ends in Elsinore and usually last 2-3 days. Denmark is a very flat country, its highest point is Himmelsbjerget, at 147 metres. Therefore, cycling is very popular and there are plenty of special bicycle paths. Copenhagen has sometimes been called the city of bicycles, and you will understand why once you get there.

STS Welcome Camp in Europe

Your exchange begins with our fun Welcome Camp in Europe! The Welcome Camp gives you the best possible start to your exchange, and is packed with sightseeing, seminars, new friends and lots of fun.

Welcome camp is included for all students going in the autumn. Welcome camp is not included if you go in the spring term.

What's included

  • Accommodation in a host family
  • Full board in a host family
  • School spot in a local high school 
  • Personal assistance and contact person in both home and host country
  • STS Welcome Camp 
  • Online pre-departure meeting
  • Emergency support 24/7
  • Free interview
  • Meetings and material to prepare you and your parents
  • STS bag
  • STS Diploma


Please note that the transport to your destination and back is not included the program fee.

Sales Year
10 months
From 10 350 €
5 months
From 9 350 €
5 months
From 9 350 €
5 months
From 9 350 €


About you/the student


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