STS High School 14–18 years of age
The best of many worlds

High School in Argentina

Age 14-18

A high school year in Argentina will give you a wonderful mix of cultures and indigenous traditions. And your Spanish will get a powerful boost. This is a big, bold and beautiful country with many different landscapes and different climate zones – from subtropical in the north, over the vast green plains (Pampas) in the centre to subpolar and glazier zones in the far south.

High School Classic

High School Classic is the traditional high school exchange programme, chosen by most of our students. It is the perfect programme for those who long for a genuine high school experience abroad and who are willing to embrace all the surprises it can bring. Here’s how it works: based on your profile, we match you with a host family and school in the province of Córdoba. If you’re open to adventure and are willing to let yourself be surprised by your exchange experience, this is the programme for you.

Let's meet

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About Argentina

Visiting Argentina is like visiting a hundred different places in one! And the best part is that when you’re an exchange student with us, you will have the chance to explore the country through some trips exclusively designed for you and your fellow exchange students.

National treasures

The Argentineans have a deep respect for their national symbols, such as the flag, the national anthem and the escarapela (knot of ribbons). These will all be present in the educational environment and in the public life.

Other typical Argentinean treasures you will stumble upon are gauchos (cowboys), mate (Argentinian tea), asado (grilled steak), tango (the national dance), and dulce de leche (sweet and similar to caramel).

See more – join a round trip!

We offer you the chance to visit southern Argentina, including Patagonia, in November and northern Argentina in March/April, at an additional fee. This is a safe, comfortable and interesting way to get the most out of your year in the country. 

Population: 43,5 million
Area: 2 766 890 km2 (Second biggest country in South America)
Capital: Buenos Aires
Language: Spanish
Government: Republic
Currency: Peso (ARS)
Highest mountain: Aconcagua 6 962 m

South America’s finest

The school system in Argentina is one of the best in South America. Even if there are no requirements of documented language skills, a basic level of Spanish will make your days a whole lot easier.

The Argentinian school year is between March and December, but you are welcome to start your year in the fall, just like you would do back home. You are also welcome to choose how long you want to stay, a full year, a semester or a shorter term.

The high school system

High school in Argentina is divided into two periods. The first one is called basic level, which is common to all schools, following a general curriculum. After this level, students choose a specialisation or orientation. The range of subjects depends on the specialization.

Some schools offer special projects designed for those who are willing to participate, like theatre and choir workshops, recycling, social projects, ecology projects, photography and art. Your school, often a private school, will decide which class that suits you best.

A typical day

School starts early in the morning, always with a particular ritual called el saludo de la bandera, meaning to raise the flag. All students gather while watching the flag and singing the national anthem. You will all wear the same school uniforms, normally there’s one for winter, one for summer and one for PE class. In the Argentinian school, you are expected to be polite, respectful and focused on your learning.

Welcome to your new family!

Our host families are located in the Córdoba Province area, most likely to the west or south of the province. Our host families have been carefully selected taking into account their genuine desire to share their language and culture with you.

Kisses and questions

The Argentineans are polite, warm and very engaging. Don’t be surprised if your family members kiss you on the cheek and ask personal questions the very first time you meet. This is a lovely way to be greeted when you have moved to a completely new country.

Family first

The typical Argentinean family is more than just parents and children. All relatives are important and during your stay you will probably have close contact, even with aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents. They all care deeply for each other. And the best part is they will care just as much for you!

The host families are always eager to show you the natural wonders that are typical of their area. They will introduce you to their traditions and give you the opportunity to experience the Argentinian lifestyle from the inside.

Quick facts

  • Who can go: 14–18 years on arrival
  • Departure month: February/July
  • Language requirements: Good English. Spanish recommended
  • Visa: Yes. Additional cost
  • Prep course: Welcome Camp, included
  • School year: March–December
  • School day: 7.30 – 13.00 or 13.00 – 17.00
  • Subjects: Compulsory
  • Trips in the country: Southern Argentina in November and North Argentina in March/April,. Additional cost 
The culture is amazing, the people are super kind and the scenery is stunning. My friends and family were great. I feel like I’ve known them my whole life. I love them so much / Jessica Black

Free time in Argentina

Take the opportunity to experience the fantastic nature after school. Exactly what you can do depends on what your region has to offer. There will probably be plenty of spots you cannot find back home. Just a walk with friends in your nearest area will be exciting when you first arrive.

Join a club and get new friends

There are also a variety of cultural institutions and clubs where you can practice sports, theatre and music. In some schools, these activities can also be done in special training courses after class. You will meet many new friends if you participate in these activities.

Time for tango

Do not forget! When you visit Argentina you have to try the tango. Even if you’re not a dancer, it’s something you just have to do, at least once. If tango is not your thing, maybe you want to play soccer, basketball, volleyball or do gymnastics.

See more of Argentina

We all need a break from homework sometime. Spend your time off from school on a trip with us. We offer you the chance to see more of Argentina. In November, we travel south to Patagonia. It will be a trip full of cool nature experiences, for example a boat trip across the Strait of Magellan.

You might even spot a sea lion or a killer whale! In March/April, we pack our bags for a trip to the north and the east. One of the stops will be the fantastic waterfalls Iguazú Falls. Both trips are an additional cost. Your local contact person will give you more necessary information. 

Welcome Camp

Begin your adventure in Argentina with the perfect kick-off, the STS Welcome Camp! You’ll stay in Córdoba, brush up on your Spanish and learn a number of valuable things about your life in Argentina.

What's included

  • Accommodation in a host family
  • School spot in Full board in a host familya public high school 
  • School spot in a local high school 
  • Personal assistance and contact person in both home and host country
  • STS Welcome Camp 
  • Online pre-departure meeting
  • Emergency support 24/7
  • Free interview
  • Meetings and material to prepare you and your parents
  • STS bag
  • STS Diploma


Please note that the transport to your destination and back is not included the program fee.

Sales Year
5 months
From 11 590 €
10 months
From 12 190 €
5 months
From 11 600 €


About you/the student


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