STS High School 14–18 years of age
Live the American Dream!

High School in USA

Age 15-18

“It’s like a movie!” That’s what we often say when things don’t seem like they are for real. But when you are a high school student in the USA, no matter where in the country you spend your exchange year, you will learn that some of what you’ve seen in films and on TV is actually true. The school spirit, the cheerleaders, the yellow buses and the football teams for example. They do exist and you can experience it all in real life. But your high school year in the US is about so much more. This is your chance to experience everyday life the American way! Living in the US will allow you to get to know the people and country from the inside. This is truly an amazing opportunity.

High School Classic

High School Classic is the traditional high school exchange programme, chosen by most of our students. It is the perfect programme for those who long for a genuine high school experience abroad and who are willing to embrace all the surprises it can bring. Here’s how it works: based on your profile, we find you a suitable host family and school, and the best part is, it can be anywhere in the USA, from the Rocky Mountains to the deserts of Texas to the beaches of California! If you’re open to adventure and are willing to let yourself be surprised by your exchange experience, this is the programme for you.

High School Select

The school system in the United States offers almost unlimited possibilities. With High School Select, we allow you to choose the school and location that best suits your dreams and requirements. This is the perfect option for you if it is important to you to to be able to select your school and location.

With High School Select you can attend either a private or public school for a semester, a school year, or even multiple school years. You also have the opportunity to extend your programme to earn your high school graduation diploma and graduate. This may qualify you for further studies in college or universities across the United States.

Business law, photography, graphic design, aerospace science or creative writing. What would you rather study? You can also combine your favourite subjects with a sport or other interest. In some schools, you will need to wear uniform, while others will only have a dress code. We'll help you find a school where we think you'll have the best time of your life.

Let's meet

Download our high school brochure

Download our brochure now and read all about STS High School.

Become a true American

The USA is a large continent, with six time zones and 50 different states. From Alaska to Hawaii, you will find that all the states have their own traditions and unique cultures. Look for adventures in Colorado, enjoy the sunny beaches of California, visit a ranch in Texas and experience the great lakes of Michigan. Wherever your high school year takes you, it will be a year of your life that will open up your eyes and give you some of that true American belief that you can do it all!

Population: 327 million
Area: 9.8 million km2
Capital: Washington DC
Biggest city: New York City (8,5 million)
Number of states: 50
Currency: US Dollar
Measurement system: British / Imperial Units (inches, ounces)
Country number: +1

Freedom, activities and school spirit!

When you’re an exchange student in the USA, your school will play a central role in your new lifestyle. This is where you will have classes, of course, but it will also be a place for after school activities and hanging out with friends. Whether you’re into American football, drama, music or art, there will be a team or club for you. Teachers and students are proud of their schools, and soon you will understand why. The school spirit is contagious!

Are you a Junior or a Senior?

The American school system is divided into 12 grades, with high school being grades 9 to 12. High school students are divided into four groups called Freshmen, Sophmores, Juniors and Seniors. Most exchange students will be placed as Juniors or Seniors, meaning year 11 or 12. Your placement depends on your age, grades, level of English and the local school rules.

Choose some typical American subjects

Being a high school student in the USA means a lot of freedom to choose your own educational mix. English, maths and sometimes American history are usually compulsory subjects. Apart from these, you can select additional classes to fill your schedule. Go for a subject you already like or try something typically American, like public speaking or government. Teachers love it when you’re active. Don’t be shy to raise your hand and ask questions. Your high school year in the USA will teach you more than you could ever imagine.

Your American host family

Americans are open, friendly and hospitable. All our host families are carefully selected and motivated. They are looking forward to meeting you. You will soon feel like a family member and experience the culture and traditions from the inside.

Weekend mornings in the shopping mall, a barbecue with the neighbors and activities with the local sports club. Living with one of our carefully selected host families, you will live the life of a typical American. And you will certainly feel welcome. Americans are known for their social and friendly attitude and your host family will make you a natural part of their lifestyle and daily routines. They will bring you to their favourite ice cream bar and burger restaurant and you will meet their friends and relatives at dinners. You will also be expected to help them with the household chores on a regular basis – just like home.

All our students in the USA are placed with a host family and local high school through our partner STS Foundation. Through truly dedicated local coordinators and close collaboration throughout the organization, they are dedicated to find the very best placement for you.

Typical American holidays

Americans are often very proud of their country and its traditions. Whether you will be staying an hour away from New York, on a ranch in Texas, in a huge family in Utah or in a smaller one in Wisconsin, you will be there for the big events. You can count on being a part of the celebrations at Halloween (trick or treat!), Thanksgiving, Memorial Day (honoring military veterans) and other big occasions when friends and family come together for a great party.

Quick facts

  • Who can go: 15–18,5 years on arrival
  • Departure month: January/July-September
  • Language requirements: Good English skills
  • Visa: Yes. Additional cost
  • Prep Course: STS Welcome Camp, included
  • School year: August/September–May/June
  • School day: Usually 08.00 – 15.30
  • Subjects: Compulsory and optional courses
  • Popular trips in the country: Hawaii and California. Not included in the program fee.
Nothing says America quite like Football. From High School to College games, fun for everyone! / Sussanah Olssen USA

Life after school

Sports, speech and debate, art, writing, design. In the USA you engage in school activities when the ordinary lessons are over for the day. And you can be sure of one thing: there is something for everybody and every interest! Sports are important in American high schools, but you do not have to take part as a player. It is equally important to support your friends and school teams from the stands, cheering and sharing the school spirit.

Time for prom night

There is a reason that Prom (a yearly traditional dance) and Homecoming (reunion of old students) are frequent themes in high school movies. These occasions do exist and they usually engage everybody at school. Preparations begin months before and these events are really a highlight everybody looks forward to.

Travel with us in the US

You will, of course, spend some free time out in your new town as well. No matter where you’re staying, there will be plenty of new and exciting things to do. Also, we want to give you the chance to see even more of the country. We offer lots of different trips in the USA. Your list of choices depends on where you are staying, but some popular examples are trips to Hawaii, Washington DC, Florida and California with visits to Disneyland in Hollywood. An exchange year is not only about school, it’s about having fun too!

STS Welcome Camp in New York

Get the best possible start to your High School exchange in North America at our fantastic Welcome Camp in New York. Together with exchange students from all over the world, you will have the opportunity to get rid of your jet lag and discover one of the coolest cities in the world.

What's included

  • Accommodation in a host family
  • Full board in a host family
  • School spot in a local high school 
  • Personal assistance and contact person in both home and host country
  • STS Welcome Camp 
  • Online pre-departure meeting
  • Emergency support 24/7
  • Free interview
  • Meetings and material to prepare you and your parents
  • STS bag
  • STS Diploma


Gain more control over your high school exchange experience with our placement requests. Choose your location and increase your chances of making your dreams a reality.   


Please note that the transport to your destination and back is not included the program fee.

Sales Year
5 months
From 13 140 €
5 months
From 13 140 €
10 months
From 14 140 €
5 months
From 13 140 €
10 months
From 14 140 €


About you/the student
